Document Order via Your Library

The MPG SFX Service includes an online form for document ordering now. Just click Request document via FHI library and we will receive your order directly.

sfxThe MPG SFX button  appears in licensed databases like Web of Science or SciFinder Web. By clicking the SFX button, a small browser window will be opened, presenting a menu of SFX services available for a specific reference including full text access.

Tip: The MPG CitationLinker provides a direct access to the MPG SFX service without having to perform a database search.
This is a particularly convenient way to check if any relevant resources (e.g. the full text) are available in respect to a specific item, for which you already have at least some bibliographic information.

Library Sharing with EndNote

The new EndNote version X7.2 allows users to share a library with up to 14 colleagues. There is no limitation of storage for file attachements in EndNote online any more. Library sharing requires that all users have the X7.2 update and an EndNote online account.

Video on EndNote X7.2 – Library Sharing:

[Video no longer available]

Find out more at

Finding the Best Search Tool

renaThe new MPG Resource Navigator is available now.

It helps you to navigate through scientific information resources available to staff and guests of the Max Planck Society.

Find the retrieval tool that suit your needs best. What are you looking for?

  • Articles
    Databases in chemistry and physics
  • Books/E-Books
    Library catalogs, library union catalogs and e-book collections
  • Chemical + Physical Data
    Factual databases and useful handbooks
  • Dictionaries
    Licensed and freely available dictionaries for different languages
  • Newspapers
    Free and licensed newspaper collections, included are German and international newspapers
  • OA Publications
    Compilation of different sources for open access publications
  • Patents
    Free and licensed patent databases
  • Proceedings
    Databases and conference proceedings collections
  • Reference Works
    Important reference works in chemistry and physics which are available online
  • Theses
    Databases, theses collections and university repositories

Highly Cited Papers in Web of Science

As we already have announced the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) has been integrated more prominently into the Web of Science and both are available via the InCites platform.

You find the “View Journal Information” button on the detail page of your results. It shows you the Impact Factor and the Rank and Quartile in the appropriate JCR category for the selected journal.

The highly cited and hot paper icon is available on the results list. It links you directly to the ESI.

wos_esihot“Highly Cited” indicates the top cited papers over the last ten years in different categories. The ranking is based on the top 1% by field and year based on total citations
received. It is updated every two months.

“ESI Hot” refers to articles that have been heavily cited within the last two months relative to other papers in the same field. It is generated for papers published in the past two years.


The AV portal of the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) provides the search in scientific films from the fields of science and technology.

avportalThe search options are very sophisticated due to automated video analysis with scene, speech, text and image recognition. Spoken and written language can be searched. You do not need to watch the whole video rather you may search within the video segments.