DFG Code of Conduct in English

The German Research Foundation released their guidelines for safeguarding good research practice in the english language.

It outlines the main standards of good research practice and describes the procedure to follow in the event of non-compliance with these standards.

Research institutions must implement levels one and two of guidelines 1 to 19 in a legally binding manner. Compliance with this Code is a prerequisite for receiving DFG funding.

Click here for more information on the DFG Code of Conduct.

Wissensstadt Berlin 2021

Der Berliner Senat richtet anlässlich der 200. Geburtstage Rudolph Virchows und Hermann von Helmholtz’ ein umfangreiches Veranstaltungsprogramm zu großen Themen unserer Zeit “Gesundheit, Klima und Zusammenleben” aus. Ab Ende Juni finden stadtweit über 100 Veranstaltungen (vor Ort und digital) und ein großes Open-Air-Programm statt. Ein Höhepunkt ist die zentrale Open Air-Ausstellung mit Bühne am Roten Rathaus.

Mehr unter https://www.wissensstadt.berlin

Berlin Science Week and Falling Walls Meet Online

This year Berlin Science Week and the Falling Walls programme will meet online. There will be more than 200 live events or exhibitions. Most of the events will be held digitally and for free.

The Berlin Science Week is an international festival that brings together people from innovative scientific institutions and the public. The new joint term ‘World Science Summit’ expresses the aim of keeping the new global accessibility for the future.

1-10 November 2020

How the Feynman Technique Works

The Feynman technique can help you to learn and understand at a deeper level. The technique is based on a simple concept: Explain a complex idea to someone as simply as possible.

Richard Feynman 1959

Richard Feynman in 1959

How to use the Feynman technique: