The research reports 2020 (in German) from the Max Planck Institutes have been published. The report from the Interface Science Department on tailor-made catalysts for the green energy industry is one of the Max Planck Society’s yearbook highlights
Highlights from the yearbook 2020 (PDF)
Roldán Cuenya, Beatriz; Bergmann, Arno; Kley, Christopher; Grosse, Philipp; Öner, Sebastian: Tailor-made catalysts for the green energy industry, p. 8-10
Jahrbuch-Highlights 2020 (PDF)
Roldán Cuenya, Beatriz; Bergmann, Arno; Kley, Christopher; Grosse, Philipp; Öner, Sebastian: Maßgeschneiderte Katalysatoren für die grüne Energiewirtschaft, S. 8-10