FHI Research Report 2020 as Highlight

The research reports 2020 (in German) from the Max Planck Institutes have been published. The report from the Interface Science Department on tailor-made catalysts for the green energy industry is one of the Max Planck Society’s yearbook highlights

Highlights from the yearbook 2020 (PDF)
Roldán Cuenya, Beatriz; Bergmann, Arno; Kley, Christopher; Grosse, Philipp; Öner, Sebastian: Tailor-made catalysts for the green energy industry, p. 8-10

Jahrbuch-Highlights 2020 (PDF)
Roldán Cuenya, Beatriz; Bergmann, Arno; Kley, Christopher; Grosse, Philipp; Öner, Sebastian: Maßgeschneiderte Katalysatoren für die grüne Energiewirtschaft, S. 8-10

Berlin Science Week and Falling Walls Meet Online

This year Berlin Science Week and the Falling Walls programme will meet online. There will be more than 200 live events or exhibitions. Most of the events will be held digitally and for free.

The Berlin Science Week is an international festival that brings together people from innovative scientific institutions and the public. The new joint term ‘World Science Summit’ expresses the aim of keeping the new global accessibility for the future.

1-10 November 2020

Interdisciplinary Open Access Journal Launched

Wiley has launched the interdisciplinary Open Access journal Natural Sciences. The journal was initiated in context of Projekt DEAL. It fully embraces open research principles and covers physics, chemistry, biology and their interfaces, as well as seminal works from related fields such as engineering and biomedical research.

Gerard Meijer (FHI) will serve as one of the Chief Editors of Natural Sciences and Bretislav Friedrich (FHI) takes over the function as Executive Editor.

The first issue will be published in January 2021.

FHI Coffee Talk No. 10

Building automation at the FHI
Sebastian Malotke, Heinz Junkes

PP&B provides the software and infrastructure for building automation at the FHI. Operation and Maintenance is carried out by the building services department (HT). Examples are given of how a well networked building automation can contribute to sustainability (energy) and quality improvement in scientific experiments.

Thursday, 6 February 2020
1 pm
FHI Library
Building A

Coffee & Tea for free
Max. 10 minutes talk

FHI Coffee Talk No. 9

Creative Commons Licenses – Important for Open Access Publishing
Uta Siebeky

Every author has heard of Creative Commons licenses, especially when it comes to Open Access publications. But which one is the right one? CC-BY or one of the many other? What do all the abbreviations mean and what effects do they have?

Thursday, 7 November 2019
1 pm
FHI Library
Building A

Coffee & Tea for free
Max. 10 minutes talk