ChemRxiv Preprints

Since the release of the ChemRxiv beta version in 2017, the support and usage of the free archive service for unpublished preprints in chemistry has increased tremendously. Since August 2019 the Chinese Chemical Society and the Chemical Society of Japan became co-owners of ChemRxiv, joining the founding societies the American Chemical Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the German Chemical Society.

Just recently the 10.000th preprint article has been uploaded to the archive. The most prevalent topics include:

  • computational chemistry (2911 entries)
  • organic chemistry (2142 entries)
  • physical chemistry (2139 enties)

and many more…

Here are some useful tips in case you want to submit your preprint!

Or take a look at the ChemRxiv FAQ incase you have other questions.

PLOS – 5 new OA journals

This spring, PLOS (Public Library of Science) announced that it will add 5 additional Open Access journals to its offering:

These journals have been incorporated in the existing MPDL central publishing agreement, meaning the publishing costs will be covered for corresponding MPG authors.

For more details on our PLOS publishing agreement please visit the MPDL Open Access agreements.
If you want to learn more about the new journals and why they were launched, check out the corresponding PLOS Blogpost.

PLOS - Wikipedia

Open Access Network

Do you have any questions regarding Open Access? Feel free to check out this newly refurbished and updated information platform!
The platform now provides even more comprehensive information on the subject of Open Access and offers practical advice on its implementation.

Besides descriptions of the basic ideas of Open Access, you can also find detailed information regarding publishing, financing, legal issues and policy frameworks, as well as coordinated training workshops focusing on specific topics.

As its name implies, the OA Network can also be used for networking purposes such as Digital Focus Groups, Forums, or Events.

You can find more information on Open Access or the Open Access Network here.

Data Impact Award 2021

Der Stifterverband verleiht 2021 zum zweiten Mal den Open Data Impact Award. Dieser Award soll im Rahmen der Initiative “innOsci – Forum offene Innovationskultur” den Beitrag leisten, Open Data in der Wissenschaft zu stärken.
Der Preis ist auf mindestens drei Jahre angelegt und bietet:

  • Eine Fördersumme von insgesamt 30.000 Euro, verteilt auf drei Preisträger
  • Sichtbarkeit für Preisträger und Thema durch Medien und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
  • Zugang zum Netzwerk von innOsci

Bewerben können sich Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler oder Forschergruppen aller Disziplinen mit einem Sitz in Deutschland, die Ihre Forschungsdaten offen gestellt und eine innovative Nachnutzung außerhalb der Wissenschaft entwickelt oder ermöglicht haben.

Bewerbungsschluss: 15. August 2021

Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie hier.

Open Science Guide for PhD Students

The French Committee for Open Science has published a guide on open science containing a set of tools and good practices. It provides guidance to PhD students at every step of their research career and covers topics such as the planning of an open approach and the disseminating of research content.

Passport for Open Science – A Practical Guide for PhD Students