PLOS – 5 new OA journals

This spring, PLOS (Public Library of Science) announced that it will add 5 additional Open Access journals to its offering:

These journals have been incorporated in the existing MPDL central publishing agreement, meaning the publishing costs will be covered for corresponding MPG authors.

For more details on our PLOS publishing agreement please visit the MPDL Open Access agreements.
If you want to learn more about the new journals and why they were launched, check out the corresponding PLOS Blogpost.

PLOS - Wikipedia

Databases on Research Funding

These databases on research funding are available for Max Planck researchers:

Research Professional is an online platform providing information on research funding opportunities available worldwide.

ELFI (ELektronische ForschungsförderInformationen) provides information on more than 11,000 programs on research funding (national and international).

MPG Funding for Open Access Publications

The flyer MPDL Institutional Funding for Open Access Publications has been updated. It includes information about central agreements covering APCs out of MPG central funds and special conditions with some publishers offering Open Access options.

oafundingYou may pick up the flyer at the library or visit