The GDCh (German Chemical Society) is offering a variety of chemistry related advanced training courses on their academy website.
The program includes:

Online courses
Live courses with exchange options (breakout rooms, chats, etc.)
E-learning courses
Digital course with a variety of learning materials and flexible learning times (live sessions, chats / forums, self-study, etc.)
Face-to-face courses
Courses take place on site (with appropriate hygiene concepts)

If you are interested to see what courses are availiable, check out the
2022 training program.


Introducing NIST Chemistry WebBook & Solubility Database

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) hosts a variety of different reference datasets freely available to the public. We have picked two databases that could prove useful to you!

Chemistry WebBook
A database currently consisting of organic compounds along with a few small inorganic compounds and data on thermochemical, thermophysical, and ion energetics.
Besides the usual search fields, you can search the WebBook for formulas, reactions and structures, as well as making physical property based searches.
Some useful models and tools are also included:

Solubility Database
A database aiming to give a comprehensive review of published data for solubilities of gases, liquids and solids in liquids or solids.
The data on solubilities was originally published in the IUPAC and contains over 67,500 solubility measurements, 1800 chemical substances and 5200 chemical systems.

Access more of NIST’s standard reference data here.

CAS Common Chemistry

CAS Common Chemistry provides access to several thousand substances and associated data. Now it includes authoritative information on nearly 500,000 substances from CAS REGISTRY. Reusable licensing of content is ensured through a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

We have full access to the CAS content collection through SciFindern (registration required).

Periodic Table Challenge

The IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) has started a periodic table challenge. It is a new and expanded online challenge. The challenge about the periodic table of the elements 2019 aimed at a global audience of young students during the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT2019).

Discover the amazing world of chemical elements and guess right at