A Career in Science

Recommended reading / Buchtipps:

Goodwin, Graham C.; Graebe, Stefan F.: A doctorate and beyond : building a career in engineering and the physical sciences. Cham 2017

Meckenstock, Rainer: Wie macht man Karriere in der Wissenschaft. Berlin 2018

Bodewits, Karin; Hauk, Andrea; Gramlich, Philipp: Karriereführer für Naturwissenschaftlerinnen : erfolgreich im Berufsleben. Weinheim 2016
Signatur: 70 Z 45

Tips on career opportunities

Publikationen des Karriereservices der GdCh

APS Careers In Physics

Your future with physics: Career directions by IOP

Career options by RSC

Chemstry Careers by ACS

Communicating science

This guide shows what professional communication for scientists is all about. It contains the abc of communicating with the public, interfacing with the media and using journalists.

Giovanni Carrada: Communicating science – A scientist’s survival kit [pdf]
Luxembourg 2006, edited by the European Commission

OA Perspectives by FHI Scientists

oaweek_questions_2016We would be happy to learn more about the perspectives and opinions of our scientists on open access publications. Therefor we’ve prepared a little questionnaire. Just visit the information desk in the library and answer the questions at the poster board.
Participation is, of course, anonymous. Completing the questionnaire should take approximately 5 to 10 minutes.

The questionnaire and information desk is available during the whole week.

Thank you for your help!