Project DEAL and Springer Nature Signed a Nationwide Contract

The Project DEAL has established a nationwide open access agreement with Springer Nature which allows authors to publish open access in nearly all Springer hybrid journals. The agreement also covers read access to all Springer journals.

The conditions are the following:

  • The acceptance date of the article must be after January 1, 2020.
  • The article has been accepted by an Open Choice eligible journal that offers a CC-BY license.
  • A Max Planck author must be the submitting and corresponding author of the article.
  • The author is affiliated with a Max Planck Institute and publishes under this affiliation.
  • The article matches one of these types: Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication, Editorial Notes, Book Reviews, Letters, Reports.

Open access publishing in SpringerOpen or BioMedCentral journals is still processed and centrally paid by the Max Planck Society.

The open access component within the Project DEAL for Nature fully open access journals (e.g. Nature Communications, Scientific Reports and npj Computational Materials) will start later this year. As of 1 August 2020 the costs will be directly and fully funded via DEAL. Until then the library meets the publication charges in these gold open access journals.

Complete Springer Book Archive Available

From now on we have access to the Springer Book Archive. The agreement between the Max Planck Society and Springer includes all subject collections (English and German titles) from 1842 to 2004.

Thus nearly the complete collection of STM books (1842 – present) is available for you at now (excluded are Electronic Reference Works).

The MyCopy service is available for almost the entire English language collection. So you can order your personal printed copy of an e-book for € 24,95.

All titles will be included in the MPG eBooks Catalog.