EuChemS Historical Landmark Award 2020 – Europe

The Justus Liebig Laboratory in Gießen (Hessen) has been awarded the EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award – European Level!
It was awarded in recognition of:

“[…]the role it played in the history of chemistry and the European sense of belonging between people and ideas.”

– EuChemS

Justus von Liebig, who worked in the laboratory from 1824 to 1852, is considered as one of the founders of organic chemistry and revolutionized chemistry education as we know it, by combining research and teaching in a laboratory.

Nowadays, his laboratory is a museum and part of the UNESCO World Heratige. The collection includes historical documents, chemical apparatus, scientific instruments and much more! The Liebig-Museum is described as a time capsule where visitors can experience the original function and the working conditions of the time when chemistry first entered the universities.

For more information visit the EuChemS Award-Page.

Wilhelm Trautschold – Liebig’s laboratory at Gießen 1841

FAIR4Chem Award

The NFDI4Chem (chemistry consortium in the NFDI) has announced the 2022 FAIR4Chem Award in order to increase transparency in research and the reuse of scientific knowledge!
It will be awarded to the author(s) of published chemistry research datasets that best meet the FAIR principles.

How will I be rewarded?

Besides the FAIR4Chem Award the NFDI4Chem will award the “FAIRest” dataset with a prize money of 500€ and an inviatiton to the JCF Frühjahrssymposium 2022, where you will be receiving the award.

How do I paticipate?

Submit the link to your published dataset via the web form on the Award Website under the “register” tab.

The deadline will be the 15th ofDecember.

FAIR4Chem Award banner de

Data Impact Award 2021

Der Stifterverband verleiht 2021 zum zweiten Mal den Open Data Impact Award. Dieser Award soll im Rahmen der Initiative “innOsci – Forum offene Innovationskultur” den Beitrag leisten, Open Data in der Wissenschaft zu stärken.
Der Preis ist auf mindestens drei Jahre angelegt und bietet:

  • Eine Fördersumme von insgesamt 30.000 Euro, verteilt auf drei Preisträger
  • Sichtbarkeit für Preisträger und Thema durch Medien und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
  • Zugang zum Netzwerk von innOsci

Bewerben können sich Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler oder Forschergruppen aller Disziplinen mit einem Sitz in Deutschland, die Ihre Forschungsdaten offen gestellt und eine innovative Nachnutzung außerhalb der Wissenschaft entwickelt oder ermöglicht haben.

Bewerbungsschluss: 15. August 2021

Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie hier.

Science Book Prize 2016: Shortlist

The winner of the Royal Society Insight Investment Science Book Prize will be announced in September, but the shortlist is available now. Among the six titles you find

The Planet Remade: How Geoengineering Could Change the World
by Oliver Morton

The author describes the potential and risks of geoengineering to mitigate global climate change. He explores the science, history and politics behind real and theoretical case studies.