New EndNote Version: X9

Some new features in EndNote X9:

  • Sharing your complete library with read-only or read-write access rights within EndNote desktop
  • Sharing custom groups with other EndNote users
  • You can create a Web of Science citation report for a group of references from your EndNote library
  • New reference types

Video on what’s new in EndNote X9:

New zotero Tool for Bibliographies

If you just need to create a quick bibliography, ZoteroBib can be helpful for you. It is a free service to help you quickly generate bibliographies in more than 9,000 citation styles. “There’s no software to install or account to create, and it works on any device, including tablets and phones. Your bibliography is stored right on your device.”
More at:

Web of Science News: April 2018

Some new features has been added to the Web of Science (WoS) in the March release:

  • New Visualizations: Get visual and tabular results via Analyze Results
  • WoS Core Collection links to associated data that have been indexed in the Data Citation Index
  • New sorting options for Cited Reference Searching
  • Now Full Record page includes the first 30 Cited References

Find out more in this video:

Electronic Journals Library News

The Electronic Journals Library labels so-called hybrid journals that offer both subscription and open-access content with a new button.

The Electronic Journals Library offers a fast interface to access full-texts articles which are accessible for our institute. Including the journals which are licensed for the Max Planck Society or only for the FHI and the journals which are freely accessible.