“What comes after the PhD?”

Minerva-FemmeNet and „WiBB – Wissenschaftlerinnen in Berlin und Brandenburg“ invite you to a panel talk about scientific careers. Among the panelists are Martin Wolf and Lorraine Daston.

What comes after the PhD? Is it possible to plan a career “in academia”?

Monday, October 29, 2012 – 5pm
Max Planck Institute for Human Development
Lentzeallee 94, 14195 Berlin

Poster (pdf)

When do scientists work?

Do scientists have spare time? An observation published in Journal of Informetrics says that “many scientists are still engaged in their research after working hours every day“. They work even at night and on weekends. The authors analyzed scientists’ working habits based on download statistics of scientific papers by Springer.

Wang, X. et al.: Exploring scientists’ working timetable: Do scientists often work overtime? Journal of Informetrics, 6, 4, pp. 655–660 (2012); doi:
10.1016/j.joi.2012.07.003 [only for subsribers] or http://arxiv.org/abs/1208.2686

Anderl, S.: Freizeit? Wissenschaftler haben Freizeit? FAZ (06.09.2012);

Anderl, S.: Wissenschaftler als Arbeitstiere. FAZ Blog Planckton (01.09.2012);

Information Practices in the Physical Sciences

physicsworld.com reported on a report with the title Collaborative yet independent: Information Practices in the Physical Sciences.
The report shows the variety of ways physicists find, use and disseminate information in seven case studies. Obviously only few researchers use innovative information search and retrieval strategies while they use complex and powerful technology for their research.

“Monica Bulger from the Oxford Internet Institute, who co-authored the report, says that one problem with getting scientists to change how they access information is that they tend to have picked up the “tools” of their field in the lab as graduate students and later only learn new techniques in response to the needs of a particular project.” (http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/48446)