Neues Abo: duz

duzAb sofort ist duz – die deutsche Universitätszeitung in der Bibliothek verfügbar.

Die Zeitschrift beschäftigt sich mit den Themen Wissenschaft und Hochschule.

Das DUZ-Magazin erscheint monatlich, als Beilagen sind die Vierteljahresschrift des Boston College for International Higher Education, der duz Karriere LETTER sowie DUZ-Special enthalten.

Memorial Session – 100 Years of Chemical Warfare

The Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society together with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science organised an international symposium on 100 YEARS OF CHEMICAL WARFARE: Research, Deployment, Consequences last year.


The symposium included a lecture on attempts to build a world free of chemical and other weapons. The videos are available at

How to Create an Alert?

Find out more in our introductory courses to the library’s electronic information resources.

Dates in November + December

Monday, November 21, 2016, 2 pm
Monday, December 5, 2016, 3 pm

The lessons will be held in the FHI library. Please make an appointment for one of the dates and inform us about your focus of interest. In addition, individual appointments are possible.