Web of Science News: August 2012

Some new features were added to the Web of Science (WoS) in the August upgrade:

Calendar with processing date option
You may limit your search easily by a particular date range using the new calendar format. Now it is possible to find documents that were added to the WoS during a particular range as opposed to when they were originally published. Please note that June 1, 2011 is the earliest processing date you can select.

Alert enhancements
Now it is possible to create a citation alert from any results page and to renew all search alerts at once.

Organization-enhanced search field
The new organization-enhanced search field allows you to find publications of an institution or university including different name variations. You may pick the organization you are looking for from a list of institutional names.
We do not recommend to use this field because not all name variations are unified to an organization name. If you are looking for the publications of the Max Planck Society 10-20% of the papers are missing. So you should be careful by using this new search field. Better use the search string with various name variants for our institute. Enter in the advanced search field:
AD=(((FRITZ HABER INST) OR FHI) SAME BERLIN) – see http://www.biochem.mpg.de/en/facilities/ivs/SupportTraining/InstitutsbezLitRecherchen/Tabellen/index.html.

More about the recent enhancements at http://thenewwok.com/new/.

One thought on “Web of Science News: August 2012

  1. The “search by processing date” feature is no longer available.
    But the processing date is available if you use the timespan options:
    Last 4 weeks
    Last 2 weeks
    Current week
    As a workaround, users can sort their results by “Recently Added” to have all the new records appear at the top of the results page.

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