EPICS in the Max Planck Society
Heinz Junkes
In the meantime, national research funding institutions, such as the DFG and the BMBF, require mandatory information on the further use or exploitation of the digital data after the completion of projects. This should be taken into account in the experiments as early as the data collection stage, when the digital data are collected in accordance with the FAIR principles. The FAIR principles state that research data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.
The Max Planck Society supports a project “EPICS for the MPG” at the Fritz Haber Institute. This project is intended to support other institutes in using the EPICS framework. In this talk, the project will be briefly presented.
Thursday, 5 September 2019
1 pm
FHI Library
Building A
Coffee & Tea for free
Max. 10 minutes talk