On the occasion of the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT 2019), we have compiled some book recommendations on this topic:
Person: Stwertka, Albert [Auth.]
Title: A guide to the elements
Edition: 4. ed.
Place: New York, NY
Year: 2018
Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press
Shelf Mark: 40 A 35
Person: Lykknes, Annette [Ed.]. Van Tiggelen, Brigitte [Ed.]
Title: Women in their element : selected women’s contributions to the periodic system
Year: 2019
Publisher: World Scientific
Shelf Mark: 70 K 148
Person: Greenwood, Norman Neill [Auth.]. Earnshaw, A. [Auth.]
Title: Chemistry of the elements
Edition: 2. ed., repr.
Place: Oxford [u.a.]
Year: 2002
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Shelf Mark: 42 A 12
Person: Quadbeck-Seeger, Hans-Juergen [Auth.]
Title: World of the elements : elements of the world
Place: Weinheim
Year: 2007
Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Title: Chemie der Elemente
Place: Frankfurt am Main
Year: 2019
Publisher: Ges. Deutscher Chemiker
Shelf Mark: 40 A 36
Person: Trueb, Lucien F. [Auth.]
Title: Die chemischen Elemente : ein Streifzug durch das Periodensystem
Edition: 2., ueberarb. und erg. Aufl.
Place: Stuttgart
Year: 2005
Publisher: Hirzel
Shelf Mark: 40 B 23
Person: Quadbeck-Seeger, Hans-Juergen [Auth.]
Title: Die Welt der Elemente : die Elemente der Welt
Place: Weinheim
Year: 2007
Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Shelf Mark: 62 G 33