These new books have just arrived in the library:
Hasbun, Javier E. … | Introductory solid state physics with MATLAB applications | 2019 | 26 B 149 |
Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude … | Quantum mechanics, 3: Fermions, bosons, photons, correlations, and entanglement | 2019 | 8 A 84-Vol. 3 |
Wrabetz, Sabine | Chemistry meets art | 2019 | 70 H 100 |
Lykknes, Annette [Ed.] … | Women in their element | 2019 | 70 K 148 |
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft | Evaluation | 2019 | 70 H 99 |
Inoue, Yoshihisa [Ed.] … | Chiral photochemistry | 2004 | 36 E 47 |
You find the books in the library’s new acquisition section.