Upcoming events

At the end of the week we want to advise and remind you of upcoming open access events in Berlin.
On http://www.mpg.de/openaccess2013 you can find further information about the upcoming exhibition and events.

25th October 2013 – 23rd November 2013
Wissen für alle: Open Access!
see prior post http://library.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/?p=2441


25th October 2013  –  11a.m.
Science is open: an introduction to open access
Open access webinar for Ph.D. Students
Information and registration: http://oa.helmholtz.de/index.php?id=341
see prior post http://library.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/?p=2411

4th November 2013  –  7p.m.
Kulturgut im Zeitalter der digitalen Reproduzierbarkeit. Was bringt Open Access Museen und Sammlungen?

18th November 2013  –  7p.m.
Who’s afraid of red tape? Open Access for a next generation science library
see prior post http://library.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/?p=2441

18th November 2013
Berlin 11 Satellite Conference
Information and registration: http://www.righttoresearch.org/blog/berlin11.shtml
see prior post http://library.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/?p=2358

19th – 20th November 2013
10th anniversary of the Berlin Declaration
Berlin Open Access Conference (http://www.berlin11.org/)

Living Reviews

Today we want to introduce “Living Reviews” to you.
“Living Reviews is a long term project [started in 1996] encompassing an electronic journal platform and a group of journals. Living Reviews journals are scientific open access journals, publishing review articles that provide insightful surveys on research progress in the fields they cover, and guiding readers to the most important literature in the field.
Its unique concept allows authors to regularly update their articles to incorporate the latest developments in the field. Living Reviews are available online only, enhanced by web features like movies, downloadable source code, or cross-linking to other resources.”

Read more on http://www.livingreviews.org/

Open Access Activities at the MPG

Now it is time to focus your attention on projects of the Max Planck Society. We selected three ongoing open access projects.
To find more projects please visit http://openaccess.mpg.de/318637/Projects

CARPET (Community for Academic Reviewing, Publishing and Editorial Technology)
Period: October 2008 –
MPS project partner: Max Planck Digital Library
Website: http://www.carpet-project.net/en
CARPET is an information platform on ePublishing technology. The aims of the project are to improve the sustainability of existing ePublishing projects and to avoid redundant developments. The project is a cooperation between the Max Planck Digital Library, the Humboldt University Berlin and the Lower Saxony State- and University Library Göttingen, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Edition Open Access
Period: 2011-
MPS project partner: MPI for the History of Science, Fritz Haber Institute, MPI for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)
Website: www.edition-open-access.de/
The Edition Open Access is a publication of the Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge. The Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge comprises three subseries, Studies, Essays and Sources. They present research results and the relevant sources in a new format, combining the advantages of traditional publications and the digital medium. The volumes are available both as printed books and as online open access publications. They present original scientific work submitted under the scholarly responsibility of members of the Scientific Board and their academic peers.

SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics)
Period: 2006-
MPS project partner: Max Planck Digital Library
Website: http://scoap3.org
A consortium facilitates Open Access publishing in High Energy Physics by re-directing subscription money. This answers the request of the High Energy Physics community.

Statements and talks to Open Access

Today we have compiled a collection of links to videos about Open Access for you.
Please enjoy!

Open Access: Just Publish
Dr Sijbolt Noorda, (Chairman of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), Paul Doop (Vice president of the Board University of Amsterdam and University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam ), Huib de Jong (Member of the Board, University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht), Martin Bossenbroek (Director, National Library of the Netherlands) and various other administrators, university professors, and university deans give their views on Open Access in a short film commissioned by SURF (00:04:25, Dutch with English subtitles). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O67olph9gY

Peter Suber on the Future of Open Access (Harvard)
Peter Suber of SPARC speaks at a Berkman Center for Internet and Society talk on the future of open access in scholarly publications and research. (01:03:27)

Open Access Explained!
What is open access? Nick Shockey and Jonathan Eisen take us through the world of open access publishing and explain just what it’s all about. (00:08:24)

Office Hours : Open Access
Harvard Professors Gary King and Stuart Shieber provide advice to graduate students about open access, dissertations, and journal publishing. (00:08:34)

1-minute interview with a physician scientist
Physician and researcher Ida Sim discusses her opinion of open access publishing and how it benefits not only the tools she can create but the quality of care she gives to her patients. (00:01:00)