Open Access Week 2012

This year’s Open Access Week starts today!

The event is now in its 6th year and takes place at many different locations worldwide.
In compliance with the Max Planck Society’s position the Fritz Haber Institute is committed to support the Open Access movement:
We focus on depositing a copy of published journal articles on PubMan according to legal conditions (“green road”). Furthermore we encourage our scientists to publish in open access journals like New Journal of Physics (“golden road”).

OA Week 2011 – Green Road and Golden Road

The principle of open access publication is seen by many involved as an alternative publication model. Open access refers to unrestricted access to scientific information on the internet.

Two methods are used here: on the one hand, to archive articles that are published in conventional journals in institutions’ own e-print archives (repositories), which are sustained by the respective institutions (open access green), allowing free access and, on the other, the specific promotion of open access journals (open access gold).

OA Week 2011 – Open Access at the MPS

“The Max Planck Society is bound by the principle of public access to the output of science. This is the spirit in which the Berlin Declaration was written. I have called upon Max Planck authors to make their findings available according to the Open Access principles and to be involved in the establishment of a globally accessible platform of scientific knowledge.”

Peter Gruss, President of the Max Planck Society

More information about Open Access at the Max Planck Society is available at:

Open Access Week 2011

This year’s Open Access Week starts today!

The event is now in its 5th year and takes place at many different locations worldwide.
In compliance with the Max Planck Society’s position the Fritz Haber Institute is committed to support the Open Access movement. Thereby the board of directors of the institute recommends that researchers deposit a supplementary copy of each of their published journal articles on PubMan according to legal conditions and submit their work to open access journals like New Journal of Physics.