Mendeley Workshop in January

How Mendeley helps you improve your research workflow

Monday, January 22, 2018 – 11 am
Building A, Library

Mendeley is a desktop and web reference management system for managing and sharing references and research papers.

The course gives an overview of the following topics:
Keeping your literature organized – Mendeley as reference manager
Creating your personal library with Mendeley Desktop; Writing, citing and annotating; Working on a paper together
Working with your peers – Mendeley as Social Collaboration & Research Network
Your researcher profile & stats on Mendeley Web; Staying up-to-date in your field; Building your network; Working together in Groups; Research data; Career development; Funding opportunities

Eva Podgoršek (Elsevier, Consultant Research Platforms Academic & Government)

If you wish to attend please register by contacting the library.

News about Reference Management

Find here some short news about EndNote for iPad and the “Export to Mendeley” option:

  1. Now you can make PDF annotations directly within the EndNote app for your iPad. Find more new functionalities at
  2. The direct export from Scopus and Science Direct with Mendely is now possible as you can read in the official Mendeley blog.

How to switch to EndNote

If you are currently working with a reference management system and want to switch to EndNote it is no problem to take your references with you.

If you are switching from Reference Manager to EndNote, this video will show you how to do it:

How to export references from Zotero and then import them into EndNote is shown in this video:

Switch from Mendeley to EndNote is shown in these pictures:

And if you have a set of references in a spreadsheet or database program, here’s how to get them into EndNote:

Comparison of Reference Management Systems

There are a lot of comparisons of commercial and non-commercial reference management software available on the web. We recommend the following tables created by librarians:

To decide which one of the many reference management systems to use, first aks yourself the following questions:

  • Which system do my colleagues use?
  • Is the system compatible with my operating system/word processor?
  • Which databases are available for import?

Caution using Mendeley

The IVS-BM has outlined their concerns about using Mendeley in their blog. They point out that “everybody should be aware of applicable copyright law in their country of research if they use cloud applications, such as Mendeley, for sharing and accessing full-texts on the web“.
The document “Mendeley – Information for users and librarians” can be downloaded at (pdf).