Open Access Transformation of Scholarly Journals

Research organizations worldwide has started an initiative that aims to convert the majority of today’s scholarly journals from subscription to Open Access publishing. The OA 2020 initiative is the result of the 12th Berlin Open Access Conference hosted by the Max Planck Society in December 2015.

Numerous international scholarly organizations have signed an Expression of Interest.

OA 2020 website:

Press release:

DOI Registration for Max Planck Researchers

The Max Planck Society offers a new service for Max Planck researchers who want to register DOI names for their research data, posters, papers or unpublished material e.g. stored in MPG.PuRe.

Assigning DOI names to these materials improves the citability and enables researchers to link articles to appropriate data persistently. It also increases the visibility and traceability of research data as valuable resource. (

Learn more at

Find Journal Abbreviations

There are two good resources to find abbreviations for science journals:

1. Chemical Abstracts source index

CASSI (CAS Source Index) Search Tool
CAS Core Journal Abbreviations

2. Web of Science journal abbreviations index

Journal Abbreviations Index (ISI)