This exciting new feature has been added to the Web of Science (WoS) – available via the preview of the new Web of Science – in the February release:
Author Impact Beamplots
- Visualize the citation performance of an author’s entire publication list
- Publications performances are compared to similar records and put into percentiles (a 90% + score means the paper is among the 10% most cited in the field)
- Adding more context than single-point metrics e.g. performance change over time
Look at authors Impact Beamplots by accessing their Author Record via the Author Search, or click any author name in a Core Collection document.
You will find a complete timeline of the Authors works (1980- ) under the “Author Impact Beamplot” tab. Hover over the elements of the beamplot to see article, citation, and percentile information and click through to see the full record.
For more information on Author Impact Beamplots check out this video:
Other Updates
- Author field search suggestions – get author names suggestions based on your input
- Publisher added as a search field
- Categories field search suggestions – get categories suggestions based on your input