EndNote Week 2-6 Dezember 2013 – Starts Today!

Want to know more about EndNote?
Come along to find out how we can help…


One week about the reference management system EndNote.
Our EndNote Week is starting today with our welcome desk in the library. You will find some material including Quick Start Guides, sticky notes, handouts and pens.

We start today with a workshop in German. Tomorrow we will have a workshop in English and on Thursday you can ask our expert about EndNote (in English and German). During the week you will find an information desk in the library (building A) and every day some useful information on this site.

Come and see us to find out how EndNote can help you manage your references and create bibliographies in your chosen style.


General information about the system in the Max Planck Society can be found on http://www.biochem.mpg.de/en/facilities/ivs/BibMgmt/EndNote
The Information Retrieval Services for the Institutes of the Bio.-Med. Section of the Max Planck Society has also much information on other reference management systems and creates a table to compare the different systems. http://www.biochem.mpg.de/en/facilities/ivs/BibMgmt

FHI Library EndNote Week 2013

2-6 Dezember 2013 – Building A, Library
We offer some workshops, information material and an “Ask the Expert” session on the reference management system EndNote during this week. Our information desk will be available in the library the whole week.

Monday, 2 December 2013 // 10.30 am – 12.00 pm
Literaturverwaltung mit EndNote (Deutsch)

EndNote ist ein beliebtes and leistungsstarkes Literaturverwaltungssystem für die Betriebssysteme Windows und Macintosh. Dieser Kurs bietet einen Überblick über EndNote und zeigt wie Sie Suchergebnisse importieren (Import-Filter, direkter Export, Online-Suchen mit EndNote) sowie Bibliographien erstellen können. Darüber hinaus werden einige weitere Features erläutert. Auch das Austauschen von Referenzen und die Zusammenarbeit in Gruppen mittels EndNote Online wird demonstriert.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013 // 2 pm – 3.30 pm
Reference Management with EndNote (English)

EndNote is a popular and powerful reference management system for Windows and Macintosh. The course gives an overview of EndNote, shows the import of search results (the use of import filters, the direct export and an online search from within EndNote), demonstrates how to generate bibliographies and explains some special features of EndNote. The sharing of references and the collaboration in groups will be demonstrated with EndNote Online.

Thursday, 5 December 2013 // 10.00 am – 12.00 pm
“Ask the Expert” (Deutsch/English)

You are already working with EndNote and you have some special questions. Use the opportunity to talk to our expert about your issues with reference management.

Annegret Garske – FHI
Katrin Quetting – FHI
Sabine Schneider – MPG Information Retrieval Services, IVS-BM (Biological Medical Section), Munich

If you wish to attend please register by contacting the library for one ore more of the courses listed above.