The project SCOAP3 for Books has made the first four book titles available in open access. The books will be available at OAPEN and on the respective publisher websites.
- Shyh-Yuan Lee: Accelerator Physics. 4. ed. World Scientific 2019.
- D.A. Varchalovich, A.N. Moskalev and V.K. Khersonskii : Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum : Irreducible Tensors, Spherical Harmonics, Vector Coupling Coefficients, 3nj Symbols. World Scientific 1988.
- Oliver Brüning and Stephen Myers: Challenges and Goals for Accelerators in The XXI century. World Scientific 2016.
- Heinz J. Rothe: Lattice Gauge Theories: an Introduction. 4. ed. World Scientific 2012.
More books will follow in the next 12 months, including titels from Springer, Taylor & Francis, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press und Elsevier.