What is a patent? What information can you get from patents? Answers to these questions can be found in a brochure of the GDCh that is now also available in English:
How to read patents (PDF)
Was ist ein Patent? Welche Informationen lassen sich aus Patenten gewinnen? Antworten auf diese Fragen liefert die neue Broschüre der GDCh mit dem Titel Wie liest man Patente?[PDF].
From now on we have access to the Citation Connection as part of the Web of Science.
Citation Connection includes the following databases:
The following additional segments are available in the Web of Science Core Collection:
The Information Retrieval Services (BM) have prepared some database support sheets. Topics are search tips for Web of Science, Scopus and patents. A very useful introduction on AutoAlerts (for Web of Science) will show you how to obtain a weekly update of literature of interest.
See also our weblog post on Creating Alerts from the Web of Science.
Max Planck Innovation supports Max Planck scientists in evaluating inventions and filing patent applications. The Max Planck Innovation team present their fields of activity in an video podcast series that is available on maxNet.tv.
1/4 Connecting science & business. Technology transfer for the Max Planck Society
http://maxload.rzg.mpg.de/wp/?p=1025 [MPG internal access]
2/4 Patenting of information
http://maxload.rzg.mpg.de/wp/?p=1043 [MPG internal access]
3/4 Marketing of inventions
http://maxload.rzg.mpg.de/wp/?p=1086 [MPG internal access]
4/4 Founding a company
http://maxload.rzg.mpg.de/wp/?p=1089 [MPG internal access]