Library Introductory Course on Databases in January

FHI Library Online Workshop: Databases

Our interactive online workshop will help you to select and apply the most appropriate resources and tools for your research. Learn more on how to quickly find and analyze relevant scientific literature. The two databases Web of Science and SciFinder will be presented and discussed in detail.

Friday, January 14, 2021 – 11am

The workshop lasts about 45 minutes. Please register and inform us ( about your focus of interest.

More details on how to join the workshop will be announced by e-mail.

Library Introductory Course on Databases in November

FHI Library Online Workshop: Databases

Our interactive online workshop will help you to select and apply the most appropriate resources and tools for your research. Learn more on how to quickly find and analyze relevant scientific literature. The two databases Web of Science and SciFinder will be presented and discussed in detail.

Monday, November 15, 2021 – 11am

The workshop lasts about 45 minutes. Please register and inform us ( about your focus of interest.

More details on how to join the workshop will be announced by e-mail.

Werkzeugkiste für Promovierende

Die TUHH Universitätsbibliothek bietet mit der Werkzeugkiste für Promovierende eine Reihe von Kurzworkshops an. Die Themen reichen von Kollaborieren über Literaturverwaltung bis hin zu Open Access und sind sehr gut dokumentiert.

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FHI Workshop on Open Access

Workshop on Open Access
Wednesday, 26th October 2016 – 11 am
Building A, Library

The FHI is practicing open access to scientific results as stated in the “Berlin Declaration on Open Access to the Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities” in two ways: Publication in Open Access Journals and institutional self-archiving on MPG.PuRe.
The board of directors of the FHI recommends that researcher deposit a copy of their published journal articles on MPG.PuRe ( according to legal conditions and submit their work to Open Access journals.

This course gives an overview about Open Access in general and some special topics, e.g. right to secondary publication.

Instructor: Bozena Langner-Staschok

If you wish to attend please register by contacting the library.

Training Session on Scopus

Curious about Scopus?
October 6th, 2016 – 10.30 am – 12.00 pm New time: 2 pm
FHI Library (Building A)

Scopus is one of the largest abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature. This course shows you how Scopus can support you to keep track of what’s happening in your research world and identify new trends and white spots to inspire your next research ideas.

Eva Podgoršek

Bring your own laptop with you!
If you wish to attend please register by contacting the library.