Nature OA Journals Part of Project DEAL Now

Now the Nature fully open access journals are part of Project DEAL. The costs for Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, npj Computational Materials and others will be directly and fully funded via DEAL as of 1 August 2020.

The Project DEAL, a nationwide open access agreement, with Springer Nature started in January 2020. It allows authors to publish open access in nearly all Springer hybrid journals and it also covers read access to all Springer journals.

Wo und wie offen publizieren?

Am 23. Juli startet eine neue Webinar-Reihe zum Thema Open Access. Die
monatlich erscheinenden Reihe Open Access Talk wird von der Technischen Informationsbibliothek veranstaltet. Der erste Online-Beitrag wird eine allgemeine Einführung zum Thema Open Access geben.

Wo und wie offen publizieren? Eine Einführung in Open Access
Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2020
ab 13:50 ist der Webinarraum geöffnet

Mehr dazu auf

Periodic Table Challenge

The IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) has started a periodic table challenge. It is a new and expanded online challenge. The challenge about the periodic table of the elements 2019 aimed at a global audience of young students during the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT2019).

Discover the amazing world of chemical elements and guess right at